Monday, May 6, 2013

The In Crowd

The In Crowd
Fashion changes with the times and along with it we need to keep track of who to hate. Now I know we told you to love some people who ended up going to jail for fraud and we told you to hate their victim, but it was not an error on our part. Fashion is like that Byrds song: a time to love, a ti-ime to hate... But with all the confusion caused by these incarcerations, many of you are lost and asking us for guidance. So here are a few tips on how to stay looking good while your former idols look bad.

If you're not sure who to hate, just fall back on hating anyone who doesn't support this show or who thinks that it's stupid. It's always fashionable to hate them. Hate people who have hair on the wrong parts of their faces. Haven't they heard of the Plucker? Hate outsiders. They're never in. Hate smokers. Smokers are bad and when you hate bad people it makes you good. Hate artists. Those freaks never know how to fit in. And, lastly, hate anyone who is alone. What have you got to lose? No one will stick up for them. Besides, if you're alone, how can you be part of the in crowd?
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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